An Educational Scholarship Project to find out and support talented students who suffer without funds for educating themselves. This is a flagship project of Sixth Sense India.
We pay special attention to the pass outs of 10th and 12th Standard students from Orphanages of Coimbatore District and put them in College for higher Education. Sixth Sense India also sponsors bright School students for their School education.
- To throw light on the lives of the under-privileged students who suffer without funds for Education
- To ensure the better and safe future for the Orphanage pass outs of the Board Exams every year.
- To ensure Education and Higher Studies to every student who yearns for it.
Sixth Sense India gives first importance to Education. Sixth Sense India believes that Education can cure many problems in the society. The Founders of Sixth Sense India made sure that the travel path of the Organization is concentrated always on Quality Education to the under-privileged people.
Therefore, Sixth Sense India under Dream for Change Project tries to Change the Society and India as a Better Place. We Dream to attain 100% Literacy in India.
The project aims to sponsor Educational Scholarship and Assistance to the deserving Students who are interested in pursuing their Education but do not have sufficient funds to fulfil it. School and College students who are want of Education but do not have sufficient economic capability are taken care by Sixth Sense India.
Any candidate who wants to become a Beneficiary under this Project should apply to Sixth Sense India for want of Scholarship. Sixth Sense India after receiving the Application scrutinizes it and delegates Volunteers to look into the Application. Volunteers make thorough Inspection about the Student, his/her Economic Ability and such other factors. After evaluation, the delegated Volunteer submits a Report to the Governing Council of Sixth Sense India which is an apex decision making body. After the Governing Council decides to sponsor a particular student for Education, the concerned Educational Fee for the entire course of the student is taken care by Sixth Sense India. The academic expenses are paid directly to the Educational Institution where the candidate is the student. The applications will be invited from June-July of every year and the beneficiaries will be announced immediately
Sixth Sense India is in tie up with around 30 Orphanages of Coimbatore District from where the Orphanages recommend students who are entering into College Education. Based on the recommendations the Governing Council of Sixth Sense India takes appropriate decisions.
Also, Sixth Sense India is in contact with various colleges of Coimbatore who offer support to these under-privileged children. Sixth Sense India also helps students to obtain Bank Loans from various Banks. Sixth Sense India volunteers assist the candidates throughout the process of applying and obtaining Bank Loans from Banks.
Sixth Sense India has sponsored more than 50 students for their Education till date. Sixth Sense India is proud to declare that it has produced successful Nurses, Commerce Graduates, Science Graduates, Engineers and Software Engineers to this society who otherwise wouldn’t have tasted the fruit of Education. We dream of assisting more and more people to attain the fruit of Education in the days to come.
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- Ashwini and Selva Malar who are from Open Hands Orphanage Coimbatore were sponsored for their Nursing Course which is of two years. Both of these girls do not have a family and they have now successfully completed their course and are employed in Hospitals in Chennai. They are now earning money themselves to take care of. This is how; one can eradicate Orphans in the Society. Sixth Sense India is proud that it is a part of the Process.
- Mr.Mohammed Mansoor hails from a Poor family in Selvapuram locality of Coimbatore. Sixth Sense India helped him to pursue his Bachelors Program in Electronics from PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore. Now, the student is placed in Wipro Technologies as a Software Programmer. Again, Sixth Sense India acts as an Agent of Change in the Society.
There are many other beneficiaries who are achieving wonders and are bringing laurels to Sixth Sense India. Sixth Sense India is proud of all these beneficiaries.
It is a program where contributors and friends of Sixth Sense India wish to sponsor the Education Scholarship for a particular student throughout his/her completion course. Sixth Sense India connects the needy people to the people who offer to serve the society. Sixth Sense acts as a agent of change by connecting the haves and the have not’s. Sixth Sense India makes sure that the funds reach the student at appropriate time and ensures uninterrupted Education for these students.
The following are the Friends of Sixth Sense India who immensely contributed on the Education of under-privileged students.
Mrs.Thenuga Sivaraj, USA – Adopted 8 students under Dream for Change project of Sixth Sense India.
Mrs.Jayanthimala Jayakumar, USA – Adopted 3 students under Dream for Change project of Sixth Sense India.
Mrs.Mamata Nigam, Japan – Adopted 1 student under Dream for Change project of Sixth Sense India
Sixth Sense India thanks all these Friends of Sixth Sense India and other contributors for Dream for Change for their immense contribution. Along with Sixth Sense India, these contributors act as an Agent of Change in the Society.
Sixth Sense India has earmarked around Rs.4 lakhs for “Dream for Change” Project for the past 2 years.
Sixth Sense India is planning to earmark approximately around Rs.3 lakhs for “Dream for Change” Project for the Academic Year of 2012-2013.